List of Papers and Reviews in Tenki Vol.60 (2013)

Tenki is the bulletin journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan in Japanese.

English abstracts are available for articles with "(abstract)".

Vol. 60, No.1


    Campaign Observations of Yamase and Winter Monsoon in Tsugaru Plain,
      Aomori Prefecture, and Downscale Experiments Using the Nonhydrostatic
        Meso-scale Numerical Prediction Model of Japan Meteorological Agency
          (abstract).............................................. Yasu-Masa KODAMA, Yu SATO, Sachinobu ISHIDA
                                                                Seitaro HORIUCHI, Hiromu SEKO, Toshitaka TSUDA
                                                     Hiroyuki HASHIGUCHI, Junichi FURUMOTO and Kuniaki HIGASHI     5-14


    Regional Characteristics of Snowfall around the Kiso Mountains during
      the Passage of Cyclones along the Southern Coast of Honshu
        ............................................................ Toshiyuki ANDO, Tetuya OKADA, Katuji SUDA
                                                                             Shizuka TAGUTI and Kyoji FURUYAMA     15-20

Vol. 60, No.2


    Surface Ozone Depletion at Syowa Station, Antarctica
      in 1997 Spring Season ................................... Yuji ESAKI, Naohiko HIRASAWA, Masahiko HAYASHI
                                                                                        and Takashi YAMANOUCHI     91-96

Vol. 60, No.3


    Morphology of Plate-type Snow Crystals Grown in a Supercooled Cloud ...................... Akira YAMASHITA     165-176


    Global Variations and Cycles of Greenhouse Gases
      --My Research Journey Towards Understanding-- ........................................ Takakiyo NAKAZAWA     145-163

Vol. 60, No.4


    The Lifetime of an Isolated Cumulonimbus Observed
      by Weather Satellite (MTSAT-1R) Rapid Scans
        (abstract) .......................................... Yoichi SAITO, Fumiaki KOBAYASHI, Akihito KATSURA
                                                         Tamio TAKAMURA, Toshiaki TAKANO, and Toshiyuki KURINO     247-260
    Meteorological Condition of the Heavy Rainfall over the Kii Peninsula
      Accompanied with Typhoon in August 19-20, 1889 ........................................... Kozo NINOMIYA     261-270


    Results from Global Warming Projection Experiments Based
      on CMIP5 Protocol under the KAKUSHIN Program
        (abstract) .............................................. Michio KAWAMIYA, Masayoshi ISHII, Akio KITOH
                                                                                           and Masahide KIMOTO     223-246

Vol. 60, No.5


    Long-term Variations in Heat Mortality and Summer Temperature in Japan (abstract) ......... Fumiaki FUJIBE     371-381


    Research on the Carbon Cycle in the Forest Ecosystems
      --Twenty Years Observation of the Carbon Exchange at Takayama Site
        and Its Extension to the AsiaFlux Network-- ......... Susumu YAMAMOTO, Shouhei MURAYAMA, Hiroaki KONDO
                                                                                            and Nobuko SAIGUSA     359-370

Vol. 60, No.6


    Overview of the Satellite Observation Plans in Japan ....... Yasuhiro SASANO, Shinichi SOBUE, Naoto EBUCHI
                                                                       Kozo OKAMOTO, Masaki SATO, Haruo SAWADA
                                                                             Kenji NAKAMURA, Tadahiro HAYASAKA
                                                                                            and Yoshiaki HONDA     433-444

Vol. 60, No.7


    Influence of Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in the Central Tokyo
      on Nocturnal Local Wind System in Summer: A Case Study Using
        Atmospheric Pressure Data of High Density Observation Network
          (abstract) .................................................. Kazuyuki TAKAHASHI and Hideo TAKAHASHI     505-519

Vol. 60, No.9


    Multi-image Mirage through Stably Stratified Atmosphere: Ray
      Tracing and Possibility of Retrieving Temperature Profile (abstract) .................. Kiyotaka SHIBATA     709-722

Vol. 60, No.10


    Transport and Mixing in the Extratropical Tropopause Region
      in a High-vertical-resolution GCM .................................................... Kazuyuki MIYAZAKI     783-795

Vol. 60, No.11


    Polar Regions: Key Regions for the Changing Climate
      (A Report on the Symposium of the 2011 Spring
        Assembly of the Meteorological Society of Japan) ................ Naohiko HIRASAWA, Takashi YAMANOUCHI
                                                                                        and Yoshihiro TOMIKAWA     881-882
    1. Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST/IS Radar (PANSY) ............ Kaoru SATO, Masaki TSUTSUMI, Toru SATO
                                                            Takuji NAKAMURA, Akinori SAITO, Yoshihiro TOMIKAWA
                                                      Kouji NISHIMURA, Hisao YAMAGISHI, and Takashi YAMANOUCHI     883-888
    2. Recent Changes in Polar Oceans and Roles of Global Freshwater Cycle ...................... Shigeru AOKI     888-892
    3. Biological Investigation in and around the Antarctic Ice Sheet .......................... Satoshi IMURA     892-894
    4. Climatic linkage between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres Seen from Deep Ice Cores
      ...................................................... Kenji KAWAMURA, Shuji AOKI, and Takakiyo NAKAZAWA     894-901
    5. Response and Role of the Arctic and Antarctic in the Climatic System: The Past and the Future
      ...................................... Ayako ABE-OUCHI, Fuyuki SAITO, Masakazu YOSHIMORI, Yoshiki KOMURO
                                                 Ryuta OISHI, Masahiro WATANABE, Rumi OHGAITO, Kunio TAKAHASHI
                                                                 Kazue SUZUKI, Kenji KAWAMURA, and Toru NOZAWA     901-908

Vol. 60, No.12


    Variability and Predictability of Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling System
      ..................................................................... Yuhji KURODA and Hitoshi MUKOUGAWA     985-1008
    Studies on Atmospheric Ozone and Aerosols, which Influence
      on Climate and Atmospheric Environment .................................................... Yutaka KONDO     1009-1027

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