Tenki, Vol. 44, No.10

(Tenki is the bulletin journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan in Japanese.)

TENKI, Vol. 44, No.10, pp. 685-711, 1997

Aircraft Observation of the Atmosphere : What Can We See by Aircraft? - the 1996 Autumn Assembly of the Meteorological Society of Japan -

Kenji Nakamura
Institute for Hydropheric - Atmospheric Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-01 Japan


1. Kaoru Sato : Obervation of Atmospheric Motion - Observational Studies of Atmonpheric Waves with Aircrafts -
2. Yasushi Fujiyoshi : Aircraft Observation and Advancements in Mesoscale Cloud System Study
3. Teruyuki Nakajima : Observing the Radiative Structure of the Atmosphere - Recent Topics and Validation Studies with Airborne Measurements -
4. Naohiro Yoshida : Observation of Atmospheric Constituents - Researches Related to the Variations of Atmospheric Constituents and Aircraft Observations -
5. Hiroshi Kumagai : Remote Sensing of Precipitation and Clouds from Aircraft - Demonstration of Technical Feasibility and Validation for Satellite Measurement -