2020 Autumn Meeting
Announcement New!
- Date : About a week with the date of October 28 (Wednesday) – 30 (Friday), 2020 put in the middle.
- Venue:Web conference
- Announcement of the Autumn Meeting (528KB/PDF)
Program (in preparation)
Registration Fees New!
- Refer to the Announcement of the Autumn Meeting (528KB/PDF)
Abstract book (in preparation)
Career Explorer Illustration
By displaying the “Career Explorer Logo” in your proceedings manuscript or presentation materials, you can inform other MSJ members that you are currently seeking employment opportunities. Electronic versions of the illustration in both color and black-and-white are available in the following:
Refer to “Ⅷ. The Career Explorer Logo” in the Announcement of the Autumn Meeting for more information.
Office of the Spring and Autumn Meeting Oversight of the Meteorological Society of Japan
- Address : c/o Typhoon Research Department of Meteorological Research Institute, 1-1 Nagamine, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0052, Japan.
- E-mail:kouenkikaku2020a