Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2008

NNH08ZDA001N, entitled "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences - 2008 (ROSES-2008)," was released on February 15, 2008 - see NASA Research Opportunities homepage at and then linking through the menu listings "Solicitations" to "Open Solicitations." This NASA Research Announcement (NRA) solicits proposals for supporting basic and applied research and technology across a broad range of Earth and space science program elements relevant to one or more of the following NASA Research Programs: Earth Science, Heliophysics, Planetary Science, and Astrophysics.

A list of solicited research programs is available here:

Some relevant solicitations include:
Land Cover/Land Use Change          5/1/2008           10/1/2008
Biodiversity                        4/24/2008          6/26/2008
Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry   4/1/2008           6/2/2008
Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction  N/A                5/23/2008
Physical Oceanography               4/25/2008          6/26/2008
Ocean Salinity Science Team         8/29/2008          10/30/2008
NASA Energy and Water Cycle         6/19/2008          8/19/2008
Atmos Composition: Lab Research     4/16/2008          6/16/2008
Atmos Composition: Sfc, Balloon, and Airborne Observations   
                                    5/16/2008          7/15/2008
Hurricane Science Research          3/14/2008          5/16/2008
Advanced Concepts in Space Geodesy  4/9/2008           6/17/2008