Meteorological classification of snow crystals (Magono and Lee, 1966) トップページへモド
N   Needle crystal 1. Simple needle a. Elementary needle 
b. Bundle of elementary needles 
  c. Elementary sheath 
d. Bundle of elementary sheaths 
  e. Long solid column 
2. Combination of a. Combination of needles 
    needle crystals  b. Combination of sheaths 
    c. Combination of long solid columns
C   Columnar crystal 1. Simple column a. Pyramid 
b. Cup 
  c. Solid bullet 
d. Hollow bullet 
  e. Solid column 
f. Hollow column 
  g. Solid thick plate 
h. Thick plate of skelton form 
  i. Scroll 
2. Combination of columns a. Combination of bullets 
    b. Combination of columns 
P   Plane crystal 1. Regular crystal  a. Hexagonal plate 
    developed in one plane b. Crystal with sectorlike branches
  c. Crystal with broad branches 
d. Stellar crystal 
  e. Ordinary dendritic crystal 
  f. Fernlike crystal 
2. Plane crystal with a. Stellar crystal with plates at ends 
    extensions of different b. Stellar crystal with sectorlike ends
    form c. Dendritic crystal with plates at ends 
d. Dendritic crystal with sectorlike ends
  e. Plate with simple extensions
f. Plate with sectorlike extensions 
  g. Plate with dendritic extensions 
3. Crystal with irregular  a. Two-branched crystal 
     number of branches b. Three-branched crystal 
  c. Four-branched crystal 
4. Crystal with 12 branches a. Broad branch crystal with 12 branches
  b. Dendritic crystal with 12 branches
5. Malformed crystal Many varieties 
6. Spatial assemblage of   a. Plate with spatial plates 
    plane branches b. Plate with spatial dendrites 
c. Stellar crystal with spatial plates 
  d. Stellar crystal with spatial dendrites 
7. Radiating assemblage of   a. Radiating assemblage of plates
      plane branches b. Radiating assemblage of dendrites
CP   Combination of   1. Column with plane  a. Column with plates 
        column and plane     crystals at both ends b. Column with dendrites 
        crystals   c. Multiple capped column 
2. Bullet with plane crystals  a. Bullet with plates 
  b. Bullet with dendrites 
3. Plane crystal with spatial  a. Stellar crystal with needles 
    extensions at ends b. Stellar crystal with columns 
c. Stellar crystal with scrolls at ends 
    d. Plate with scrolls at ends 
S   Columnar crystal  1. Side planes   
     with extended side  2. Scalelike side planes   
     planes 3. Combination of side planes,   
      bullets and columns  
R   Rimed crystal  1. Rimed crystal a. Rimed needle crystal 
     (crystal with cloud  b. Rimed columnar crystal 
     droplets attached)    c. Rimed plate or sector 
  d. Rimed stellar crystal 
2. Densely rimed crystal a. Densely rimed plate or sector 
b. Densely rimed stellar crystal 
  c. Stellar crystal with rimed spatial branches 
3. Graupellike snow a. Graupellike snow of hexagonal type 
  b. Graupellike snow of lump type 
  c. Graupellike snow with nonrimed extensions 
4. Graupel a. Hexagonal graupel 
b. Lump graupel 
    c. Conelike graupel 
I   Irregular snow  1. lce particle   
     crystal 2. Rimed particle   
3. Broken piece from a crystal a. Broken branch 
  b. Rimed broken branch 
  4. Miscellaneous   
G   Germ of snow  1. Minute column   
       crystal (ice crystal) 2. Germ of skelton form   
3. Minute hexagonal plate   
4. Minute stellar crystal   
5. Minute assemblage of plates   
  6. Irregular germ