List of Papers and Reviews in Tenki Vol.66 (2019)
Tenki is the bulletin journal of the Meteorological
Society of Japan in Japanese.
English abstracts are available for articles with "(abstract)".
Vol. 66, No.1
Impacts of Typhoon Characteristics on Typhoon
Intensity Estimation Using Deep Learning ................ Koki KASE, Hironori FUDEYASU, Asanobu KITAMOTO
Danlan CHEN, Ryuji YOSHIDA, Tetsuya TAKEMI 51-58
The Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST/IS Radar (PANSY) and
High-resolution Middle Atmosphere Dynamics Study ............................................ Kaoru SATO 5-15
Diverse Atmosphere-ocean Coupled Phenomena
Revealed with Latest Advances in Meteorology
(A Report on the Symposium of the 2017 Spring
Assembly of the Meteorological Society of Japan) .... Yu KOSAKA, Jun MATSUMOTO, Hiroshi G. TAKAHASHI 17-18
1. Monitoring and Prediction of ENSO ....................................................... Tamaki YASUDA 19-22
2. YMC: International Field Campaign to Understand Coupled Ocean-
Atmosphere-Land Processes over the Maritime Continent .................................. Kunio YONEYAMA 23-27
3. Remote Influence of Tropical Air-sea Coupled Variability on East Asian Climate .............. Yu KOSAKA 27-31
4. Climatic Hotspots: Influence of Midlatitude Warm Currents and
Associated Oceanic Fronts on the Climate System ...................... Hisashi NAKAMURA, Atsuhiko ISOBE
Yoshihiro TACHIBANA, Tadahiro HAYASAKA, Ryuichi KAWAMURA, Masami NONAKA
Yoshimi KAWAI, Shoshiro MINOBE, Humio MITSUDERA and Akira KUWANO-YOSHIDA 32-38
5. YOPP: Integrated Researches of the Arctic Observations and Predictability ................... Jun INOUE 38-41
Vol. 66, No.2
Analysis on the Relation between the Heavy Rainfall
and its Environment, Especially Low-level Inflow,
Obtained by the Ensemble Forecast Experiments
--Heavy Rainfall Event that Occurred at Southern Hiroshima
on 19-20th August 2014-- (abstract).................... Shuichi OTANI, Naoki NAKADA, Ayumu ISIMOTO
Chikako AKIEDA, Norihiko KAZAHAYA, Yasutaka NISHIMORI
Tomoyuki IWATA, Hiromu SEKO, Sho YOKOTA 141-160
The Rescue of Wartime Meteorological Data Recorded by the Japanese Military
(abstract) ........................................................................... Shigeru KOBAYASHI 113-140
Vol. 66, No.3
Study on Air Pockets Enclosed in Snow Crystal Part II
--Analysis of Air Pockets Taking Growth Process of
Prism Faces into Consideration-- ..................................................... Akira YAMASHITA 239-251
Lidar Developments and Applications to Observational Studies of
Atmospheric Constituents .................................................................. Osamu UCHINO 193-206
Arctic Region
(A Report on the Symposium of the 2017 Fall Assembly
of the Meteorological Society of Japan) ........................................... Takeshi HORINOUCHI 207-208
1. Role of Sea Ice in Climate Change: Arctic vs. Antarctic Oceans. ........................ Kay I. OHSHIMA 209-213
2. Mechanism and Future Projection of Arctic Warming Amplification. ................... Masakazu YOSHIMORI 214-219
3. A Role of the Stratospheric Processes on the Arctic-midlatitude Climate Linkage. ....... Tetsu NAKAMURA 220-224
4. Recent Rapid Snow and Ice Mass Loss in Greenland Ice Sheet -An Investigation
to Understand its Mechanism with Field Observation and Numerical Modeling. ............. Masashi NIWANO 225-230
5. Present and Future of the "Atmosphere-Vegetation-Permafrost-River"
System in Northeastern Eurasia. ........................................................ Tetsuya HIYAMA 230-236
Vol. 66, No.4
Implementation of New Observing Systems through Remote Sensing ......................... Masahito ISHIHARA 277-297
Vol. 66, No.5
Mixed Layer Height Calculated from Mie Lidar Data over
Tsukuba and Saga: Diurnal and Seasonal Variations and Comparison
with Radiosonde and Objective Analysis Data ............... Toshiharu IZUMI, Osamu UCHINO, Tetsu SAKAI
Tomohiro NAGAI and Isamu MORINO 345-357
Vol. 66, No.6
Dynamical Study on the Clouds Around the Tropopause in the Polar Region .................... Masashi KOHMA 411-419
Vol. 66, No.8
Spatial and Temporal Features of Cold Mortality in Japan and
Their Relation to Temperature Variations
(abstract) ........................................... Fumiaki FUJIBE, Jun MATSUMOTO and Hideto SUZUKI 513-527
Vol. 66, No.9
Development of Tabletop Artificial Lightning Generator and its
Application to Education for Lightning Protection in Junior High School.
...................................................... Takao MATSUI, Tomoki FUNAI and Hiroyuki IWASAKI 617-627
Vol. 66, No.10
The Perspective of Observation and Short-term
Prediction in the Future for Prevention and Mitigation of
Meteorological Disasters
(A Report on the Symposium of the 2018 Spring
Assembly of the Meteorological Society of Japan) .................... Kazuhiro TSUBOI, Kazuo SAITO 665-666
1. Current Status of Observation and Forecast Technology for Prevention and
Mitigation of Heavy-rain Disaster .......................................................... Ko KOIZUMI 667-670
2. Emerging Observing Technologies for Disaster Prevention/Mitigation ....................... Osamu SUZUKI 671-674
3. Next-generation Supercomputer and Big Data Pioneering the Future of
Weather Prediction ................................................................... Takemasa MIYOSHI 675-679
4. Need for Improved Understanding and Prediction of Water-related Disasters ................ Toshio KOIKE 680-683
5. Information Sharing and its Applications for Disaster Resilience ....................... Yuichiro USUDA 684-686
Vol. 66, No.11
Technical Developments for Mitigating Disasters from Inundation and
Flood and Dissemination of their Results ............................. Takuma OHTA and Yasutaka MAKIHARA 723-742
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