English abstracts are availabel for articles with an asterisk.
Short-Period and Large Amplitude Oscillations of Wind and Pressure Observed at Syouwa Station, Antarctica .............................Kunimoto Iwai and Toyoo Abe.... 7- 17
Morphology and Structure of Waterspouts Occurred over Tosa Bay on 4 October 1994 ......Fumiaki Kobayashi, Osamu Chiba and Akira Matsumura.... 19- 34
Long-term Changes of Extreme Temperatures at Urban Meteorological Stations in Japan .............................Fumiaki Fujibe....101-112
Air Temperature Structure and Local Winds During the Night in the Midtown Area of Nagasaki City ....................Makito Mori, Takehiro Takemasa, Tetsuo Kobayashi and Hiroaki Komoda....113-120
Shapiro's New Model of Frontal Cyclones .....................Hisashi Nakamura and Izuru Takayabu.... 85-100
Statistics on the Direction of Severe Winds in Japan .........................................Fumiaki Fujibe....165-174
Nocturnal Downward Infrared Radiation on Clear Nights in Small-to- Medium Sized Cities in Complex Terrain .......Nanping Sang, Tetsuo Kobayashi,Takehiro Takemasa, Makito Mori, Sinkichi Gotou and Hiroaki Komoda....175-180
Impact on Pinatubo Aerosols on the Partitioning between NO2 and HNO3........................................... Makoto Koike....153-163
Structure of a Mesoscale Vortex Formed off the Hokuriku District in the Winter Cold-Air Outbreak : A Case Study of the Keifu- Maru Intensive Observation on 5 February 1995 .......................................... Atusi Ookubo....241-250
Accuracy in Estimating Vertical Wind Shear from Single Doppler Radar........Ryozo Tatehira, Yukiyasu Murata and Hiromu Seko....251-256
Primitive Equation Atmospheric Model.............. Akira Kasahara....221-230
Studies on the Development of Mesoscale Disturbances with Doppler Radars........................................ Hiroshi Uyeda....231-239
Precipitable Water Vapor Observed by Geographical Survey Institute's GPS Network.....................Ryu Ohtani, Hiromichi Tsuji, Nobutaka Mannoji, Jiro Segawa and Isao Naito....317-325
TOGA-COARE:Oceanography Meets Meteorology ..... Kensuke Takeuchi....301-305
Research on the Solar Activity, Middle Atmospheric Dynamical Process, and Their Relationship............. Kunihiko Kodera....307-316
Variations of the Carbon Isotopic Ratio of Tropospheric Carbon Dioxide over Japan......................... Shinji Morimoto....379-388
Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction in the Formation of Equatorial Asymmetry of the Tropical Climate............ Shang-Ping Xie....389-398
The Relationship between Surface Radiant Intensities of Forest and Air Temperatures on the Mountain Slope...... Yasushi Sakakibara....457-462
*Characteristics of the Recent Long-Term Wintertime Variability in the Atmosphere and the Oceans(abstract) ..................... Hiroshi Koide and Kunihiko Kodera....535-550
Estimation of Water Balance in Main River Basins Simulated by JMA89 Model........Kimpei Ichiyanagi, Masaru Chiba, Masato Sugi, Ken-ichi Kuma and Nobuo Sato....551-554
The Effect of the Economy on the Urban Heat Island Intensity in Nagoya ...................................... Ahoro Adachi....621-629
Characteristics of Diurnal Variation of Precipitation around Kyushu District during the Baiu Season ..................... Kazuo Kurihara and Teruyuki Kato....631-636 Comment on “ On the Formulae for Wind Distribution in a Translating Typhoon”......................................... Yan Meng....637-640 Reply............................................ Fumiaki Fujibe....641-644
Environmental Effect of Meiji Shrine Forest as a Sink for Atmospheric Energy and Pollutants (1) Field Observation in Summer 1996 ... Manabu Kanda, Ryo Moriwaki, Yuriko Takayanagi, Hitoshi Yokoyama and Takashi Hamada....713-722 Environmental Effect of Meiji Shrine Forest as a Sink for Atmospheric Energy and Pollutants (2) Numerical Study by Soil-Plant-Air Model ...... Manabu Kanda, Ryo Moriwaki and Hitoshi Yokoyama....723-731
Aircraft Observation of the Atmosphere:What Can We See by Aircraft ? - the 1996 Autumn Assembly of the Meteorological Society of Japan - (contents) ........ Kenji Nakamura, Kaoru Sato, Yasushi Fujiyoshi, Teruyuki Nakajima, Naohiro Yoshida and Hiroshi Kumagai....685-711
Upgrade of Surface Boundary Condition for Numerical Simulation of Urban Climate Based on Very Precise Geographic Information ... Toshiaki Ichinose,Kazuhiro Shimodozono,Itsushi Uno and Keisuke Hanaki....785-797 Diurnal Variation of Precipitable Water in Clear Days over the Northern Mountains in Kanto Plain .... Fujio Kimura,Ryoichi Tanikawa and Masanori Yoshizaki....799-807
The Characteristic of Winter Thunderclouds on the Coast of the Hokuriku District according to the Observation of Generation of Lightning ........ Jongho Lee,Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki,Kenji Matsuura and Toshiaki Matsui....809-812
Recent Changes in the Meteorological Services of the United States of America.................................. Takehiko Furukawa....767-784
A Numerical Simulation of Boso Meso-Front and NO2 High Concentration over the Kanto Plain...... Toshimasa Ohara and Itsushi Uno....855-874 Potential Evaporation and Climatological Wetness Index ............................. Junsei Kondo and Jianqing Xu....875-883
Modeling of Biogeochemical Cycles in the Ocean ........................................ Yasuhiro Yamanaka....835-845 Activities of WMO/CAS Working Group on Very Short-and Short-Range Weather Prediction Research and the Conception of World Weather Research Programme.................... Takayuki Matsumura.....847-854