Graphical Abstract
Sugawara, H., R. Oda, and N. Seino, 2018: Urban thermal influence on the background environment of convective precipitation. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 96A, 67-76.
Graphical Abstract with highlights
- Influence of urban heat excess on atmospheric stability leading to convective precipitation was investigated in Tokyo.
- Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) was evaluated in an idealized situation. Although its ideality, the reality of our analysis was achieved by using the observed results in Tokyo for the model inputs.
- Urban heat excess of 200 Wm-2 increased CAPE by 75%. The anthropogenic vapor flux also increased CAPE, but was near negligible (1% in CAPE).
- The neutral stratification in the urban area in the morning increased CAPE by five times its rural value.