The preprint server at JST started in 24 March, 2022.
Preprint is a manuscrpt before or at the time of the submission to the journal, before the peer review process. The DOI is attached to the preprint. Once the manuscrpt is accepted, the link to the accepted manuscpript is available in this page.
- Inoue, T., T. Sekiyama, A. Kudo, 2024: Development of a temperature prediction method combining deep neural networks and a Kalman filter. Jxiv,
Status: this preprint version has been peer-reviewed by JMSJ editors. - Ishiyama, T., M. Satoh, Y. Yamada, 2022: The relative roles of the sea surface temperature over the Pacific Meridional Mode and Indian Ocean on tropical cyclone genesis over the North Pacific in super El Niño of 2015. Jxiv,
Status: this preprint is currently under review for JMSJ.:
Graphical Abstract - Nakano, M., Y.-W. Chen, and M. Satoh, 2022: Analysis of the factors that led to an uncertainty of track forecast of Typhoon Krosa (2019) by 101-member ensemble forecast experiments using NICAM. Jxiv,
Status: this preprint is currently under review for JMSJ.:
Graphical Abstract - Kodama, S., Satoh, M., 2022: Statistical analysis of remote precipitation in Japan caused by typhoons in September. Jxiv,
Status: a revised version of this preprint was accepted for JMSJ:
Graphical Abstract