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JMSJ, 2025, Vol. 103, No. 3 (June)


Ishizaki, H., K. Okazaki, T. Sakazaki, and K. Ishioka, 2025: Eigenvalue analysis of atmospheric free oscillations under the influence of a zonal mean field. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 .
Early Online Release
Editor's Highlight


Takahashi, K., and T. Sakazaki, 2025: The climatological features of Atmospheric Rivers and their role in water vapor transport in the south polar region. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 .
Early Online Release
Editor's Highlight


Sakazaki, T., and M. Schindelegger, 2025: Global atmospheric normal modes identified in surface barometric observations. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 .
Early Online Release
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Yamaguchi, M., Y. Ikuta, K. Ito, and M. Satoh, 2025: Tropical cyclone track and intensity predictions in the western North Pacific basin using Pangu-Weather and JMA initial conditions. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 .
Early Online Release
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Shibata, K., and H. Naoe, 2025: Structure, trend and variability of the semiannual oscillation in the equatorial middle atmosphere in JRA-3Q and in satellite observations. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 .
Early Online Release
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Sekiyama, T. T., and M. Kajino, 2025: Dispersion simulation using the 1-km gridded wind fields constructed by super-resolution surrogate downscaling. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 .
Early Online Release
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Review Article

Abe, M., H. Fudeyasu, and M. Sasaoka, 2025: Historical review of research activities toward typhoons/hurricanes modification in Japan and the United States. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 .
Early Online Release
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JMSJ, 2025, Vol. 103, No. 2 (April)


Nishii, A., T. Shinoda, and K. Sassa, 2025: Maintenance mechanisms of orographic quasi-stationary convective band formed over the eastern part of Shikoku, Japan. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 , 279−301.
Graphical Abstract


Song, J., P. J. Klotzbach, Y.-F. Wang, and Y. Duan, 2025: Seasonality in the ENSO-independent influence of tropical Indian Ocean sea surface temperature anomalies on western North Pacific tropical cyclone genesis. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 , 257-278.
Graphical Abstract


Naoe, H., C. Kobayashi, S. Kobayashi, Y. Kosaka, and K. Shibata, 2025: Representation of quasi-biennial oscillation in JRA-3Q. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 , 233−255.
Graphical Abstract


Unuma, T., H. Yamauchi, T. Kato, A. Umehara, A. Hashimoto, A. Adachi, and N. Nagumo, 2025: Characteristics of raindrop size distribution using 10-year disdrometer data in eastern Japan. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 , 219−232.
Graphical Abstract


Maru, E., K. Ito, and H. Yamada, 2025: Analysis of tropical cyclone rapid intensification in the Southwest Pacific region. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 , 201-218.
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Kamezaki, K., S. O. Danielache, S. Ishidoya, T. Maeda, and S. Murayama, 2025: A low-power continuous measurement system for atmospheric carbonyl sulfide concentration and its application to the observation in Tsukuba, Japan. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 , 181-200.
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Review Article

Ito, K., Y. Miyamoto, C.-C. Wu, A. Didlake, J. Hlywiak, Y.-H. Huang, T.-K. Lai, L. Pattie, N. Qin, U. Shimada, D. Tao, Y. Yamada, J. A. Zhang, S. Kanada, and D. Herndon, 2025: Recent research and operational tools for improved understanding and diagnosis of tropical cyclone inner core structure. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 , 147-180.
Editor's Highlight
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Ono, K., and M. Inatsu, 2025: Nonlinear perturbation growth at mesoscale related to upscaling processes from a mesoscale convective system. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 , 127−146.
Graphical Abstract


Tokimori, E., M. Kohma, and K. Sato, 2025: A statistical study of gravity waves in the troposphere and lower stratosphere in the Antarctic based on the PANSY radar observations. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 , 113-125.
Graphical Abstract

JMSJ, 2025, Vol. 103, No. 1 (February)


Li, W., K. Ichii, B. Zhang, Y. Yamamoto, W. Yang, T. Miura, H. Yoshioka, M. Matsuoka, K. Obata, R. C. Sharma, H. Yamamoto, H. Irie, P. Khatri, B. Liley, I. Morino, H. Takenaka, and A. Higuchi, 2025: Estimation and evaluation of land surface reflectance from a next-generation geostationary meteorological satellite, Himawari-8/9 AHI. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 , 87−109.
Graphical Abstract


Yamada, K., Y. Niwa, Y. Terao, Y. Tohjima, K. Tsuboi, K. Ishijima, and S. Murayama, 2025: Estimation of CO2 fluxes from Tokyo using a global model and tower observation. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 , 67-85.
Graphical Abstract


Kanno, Y., S. Sugimoto, and M. Murakami, 2025: Synoptic- and meso-scale features of the heavy wet snow accretion event along the Okhotsk Sea coast on December 22–23, 2022. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 , 45-66 .
Editor's Highlight
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Ishii, M., A. Nishimura, S. Yasui, and S. Hirahara, 2025: Historical high-resolution daily SST analysis (COBE-SST3) with consistency to monthly land surface air temperature. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 , 17-44.
Editor's Highlight
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Nakanishi, R., M. Kuramochi, and H. Ueda, 2025: Summertime convection jump over the subtropical western North Pacific and its relation to Rossby wave breaking near the Asian jet exit region. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 103 , 5-15.
Graphical Abstract

JMSJ, 2024, Vol. 102, No. 6 (December)


Fukui, S., E. Shirakawa, D. Soga, R. Ohara, K. Usui, K. Takiguchi, K. Ono, T. Hirose, S. Matsushima, J. Ito, T. Yamazaki, K. Saito, H. Seko, and T. Iwasaki, 2024: Long-term regional reanalysis for Japan with assimilating conventional observations (RRJ-Conv). J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 677-696.
Editor's Highlight
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Wongnim, P., M. Wang, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2024: Investigation of characteristics of warm clouds in Thailand under different climate patterns with contoured frequency by optical depth diagrams and ground-based meteorological data. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 665-676.
Graphical Abstract


Tomikawa, Y., I. Murata, M. Kohma, and K. Sato, 2024: Simultaneous observation of near-inertial frequency gravity waves by a long-duration balloon and the PANSY radar in the Antarctic. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 655-664.
Graphical Abstract


Niu, N., S. Ren, D. Mao, Q. Wu, B. Yang, and D. Chyi, 2024: The application of meteorological satellite products in the extreme sea-effect snowstorm monitoring in East Asia. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 633-653.
Graphical Abstract


Nakashita, S., T. Enomoto, and S. Ishii, 2024: Multi-scale uncertainty of mesoscale convective systems in the Baiu frontal zone: A case study from June 2022. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 599-631.
Graphical Abstract

JMSJ, 2024, Vol. 102, No. 5 (October)


Shimada, U., M. Hayashi, and A. Mouche, 2024: A comparison between SAR wind speeds and western North Pacific tropical cyclone best track estimates. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 575-593.
Editor's Highlight
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Shimada, U., 2024: Tropical cyclone intensity forecasting with three multiple linear regression models and random forest classification. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 555-573.
Graphical Abstract


Sekido, H., K. Sato, H. Okui, D. Koshin, and T. Hirooka, 2024: A study of zonal wavenumber 1 Rossby-gravity wave using long-term reanalysis data for the whole neutral atmosphere. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 539-553.
Editor's Highlight
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Segura, H., and C. Hohenegger, 2024: How do the tropics precipitate? Daily variations in precipitation and cloud distribution. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 525-537.
Graphical Abstract


Tsuyuki, T., 2024: A hybrid ensemble Kalman filter to mitigate non-Gaussianity in nonlinear data assimilation. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 507-524.
Graphical Abstract


Fujita, S., and K. Ishioka, 2024: Do dry GCMs generate QBO-like oscillation? J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 485-506.
Graphical Abstract


Takahashi, Y. O., Y.-Y. Hayashi, G. L. Hashimoto, K. Kuramoto, M. Ishiwatari, and H. Kashimura, 2024: Radiative effects on the formation of the stably stratified layer in the lower atmosphere of Venus. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 469-483.
Graphical Abstract

JMSJ, 2024, Vol. 102, No. 4 (August)


Kato, R., S. Shimizu, K. Shimose, K. Hirano, K. Shiraishi, S. Yoshida, T. Sakai, and T. Nagai, 2024: Improvement of two-hour-ahead QPF using blending technique with spatial maximum filter for tolerating forecast displacement errors and water vapor lidar assimilation. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 455-464.
Graphical Abstract


Kuo, W.-C., K. Yamashita, M. Murakami, T. Tajiri, and N. Orikasa, 2024: Numerical simulation on feasibility of rain enhancement by hygroscopic seeding over Kochi area, Shikoku, Japan in early summer. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 429-443.
Graphical Abstract


Inoue, T., T. T. Sekiyama, and A. Kudo, 2024: Development of a temperature prediction method combining deep neural networks and a Kalman filter. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 415-427.
Editor's Highlight
Graphical Abstract

JMSJ, 2024, Vol. 102, No. 3 (June)


Chen, Y., A. Zhang, T. Liu, and W. Li, 2024: Diurnally propagating precipitation features caused by MCS activities during the pre-summer rainy season in South China. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 391-406.
Graphical Abstract


Aizawa, M., K. Ito, and U. Shimada, 2024: Revisiting Koba’s relationship to improve minimum sea-level pressure estimates of western North Pacific tropical cyclones. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 377-390.
Graphical Abstract


Murakami, M., Y. Yamada, and K. Iwanami, 2024: Precipitation mechanisms in stratiform snow clouds associated with a mid-level trough over the Sea of Japan. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 365-376.
Graphical Abstract


Yamashita, K., W.-C. Kuo, M. Murakami, T. Tajiri, A. Saito, N. Orikasa, and H. Ohtake, 2024: Physical properties of background aerosols and cloud condensation nuclei measured in Kochi City in June 2010 and its implication for planned and inadvertent cloud modification. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 353-363.
Graphical Abstract


Wang, Y., 2024: Meiyu-Baiu rainstorm associated diurnal variation and kinetic energy source analyzed by multiscale window transform–based energetics analysis. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 335-352.
Graphical Abstract

JMSJ, 2024, Vol. 102, No. 2 (April)


Murata, F., T. Terao, Y. Yamane, A. Fukushima, M. Kiguchi, M. Tanoue, H. Kamimera, H. J. Syiemlieh, L. Cajee, S. Ahmed, S. A. Choudhury, P. Bhattacharya, A. K. Bhagabati, S. Dutta, and T. Hayashi, 2024: Validation of spaceborne precipitation radar data by rain gauges and disdrometers over the complex topography of the Northeastern Indian subcontinent. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 309-329.
Graphical Abstract


Kusunoki, S., T. Nakaegawa, and R. Mizuta, 2024: Evaluation of precipitation simulated by the atmospheric global model MRI-AGCM3.2. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 285-308.
Graphical Abstract


Ose, T., H. Endo, and T. Nakaegawa, 2024: Emergence of future sea-level pressure patterns in recent summertime East Asia. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 265-283.
Graphical Abstract


Wang, G., W. Han, S. Yuan, J. Wang, R.-Y. Yin, S. Ye, and F. Xie, 2024: Retrieval of high-frequency temperature profiles by FY-4A/GIIRS based on generalized ensemble learning. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 241-264.
Graphical Abstract


Ishii, M., H. Kamahori, H. Kubota, M. Zaiki, R. Mizuta, H. Kawase, M. Nosaka, H. Yoshimura, N. Oshima, E. Shindo, H. Koyama, M. Mori, S. Hirahara, Y. Imada, K. Yoshida, T. Nozawa, T. Takemi, T. Maki, and A. Nishimura,, 2024: Global historical reanalysis with a 60-km AGCM and surface pressure observations: OCADA. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 209-240.
Editor's Highlight
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Ito, J., H. Niino and E. Tochimoto, 2024: Numerical simulation of tornadoes in a mini-supercell associated with Typhoon Tapah on 22 September 2019. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 185-208.
Graphical Abstract


Toyooka, D., T. Kawabata, and H.L. Tanaka, 2024: Windward region sensitivity and its effects on heavy rainfall prediction investigated with ensemble systems. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 167-183.
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Otsubo, A., and A. Adachi, 2024: Short-term predictability of extreme rainfall using dual-polarization radar measurements. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 151-165.
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Yokota, S., T. Banno, M. Oigawa, G. Akimoto, K. Kawano, and Y. Ikuta, 2024: JMA operational hourly hybrid 3DVar with singular 3Vector-based Mesoscale Ensemble Prediction System. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 129-150.
Editor's Highlight
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JMSJ, 2024, Vol. 102, No. 1 (February)


Geng, Y., H.-L Ren, and J. Li, 2024: Roles of August Kuroshio SST anomaly in precipitation variation during September over Central China. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 111-123.
Graphical Abstract


Kosaka, Y., S. Kobayashi, Y. Harada, C. Kobayashi, H. Naoe, K. Yoshimoto, M. Harada, N. Goto, J. Chiba, K. Miyaoka, R. Sekiguchi, M. Deushi, H. Kamahori, T. Nakaegawa; T. Y.Tanaka, T. Tokuhiro, Y. Sato, Y. Matsushita, and K. Onogi, 2024: The JRA-3Q Reanalysis. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 49-109.
Editor's Highlight
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Duc, L., and Y. Sawada, 2024: Geometry of rainfall ensemble means: from arithmetic averages to Gaussian-Hellinger barycenters in unbalanced optimal transport. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 35-47.
Editor's Highlight
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Koga, S., 2024: Optical Properties of Aerosol Particles in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over the Northwestern Pacific: High Refractive Index for Coarse Particles in Pristine Air. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 17-33.
Graphical Abstract


Takahashi, Y. O., Y.-Y. Hayashi, G. L. Hashimoto, K. Kuramoto, M. Ishiwatari, and H. Kashimura, 2024: Dependence of the radiative-convective equilibrium structure of the lower atmosphere of Venus on the thermodynamic model. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan , 102 , 5-16.
Graphical Abstract

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