Graphical Abstract

Datt, I., S. J. Camargo, A. H. Sobel, R. McTaggart-Cowan, Z. Wang, 2022: An Investigation of Tropical Cyclone Development Pathways as an Indicator of Extratropical Transition. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 100, 707-724.
Graphical Abstract


Plain Language Summary: This study investigates whether tropical cyclones that follow certain tropical cyclogenesis “pathways” in baroclinic environments are more likely to undergo extratropical transition than those that develop in non-baroclinic environments. The relationships between extratropical transition and two of the pathways investigated --- namely the strong tropical transition and trough-induced pathways --- are statistically significant in the North Atlantic and Western North Pacific, respectively. After controlling for genesis latitude and other environmental factors, the relationships remain statistically significant, implying that the specific mechanism of tropical cyclogenesis has a lasting effect on the probability of an eventual extratropical transition.  
