Graphical Abstract
Masunaga R., T. Miyakawa, T. Kawasaki and H. Yashiro, 2023,: Flux Adjustment on Seasonal-Scale Sea Surface Temperature Drift in NICOCO. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 101.
Early Online Release
Graphical Abstract
Plain Language Summary: The present study showed that the sea-surface temperature drift in 40-day integrations with the NICAM – COCO coupled model was successfully suppressed by a simple flux adjustment method designed to suppress seasonal-scale sea-surface temperature drift. Nevertheless, the air–sea interaction processes were likely to be undistorted by flux adjustment. A high-resolution coupled model with appropriate flux adjustment would substantially improve the prediction skill of a numerical model on a timescale of several weeks.

- We tested a simple flux adjustment method to suppress seasonal sea surface temperature drift using a high-resolution coupled model.
- A simple flux adjustment suppressed the sea surface temperature drift while representing appropriate air–sea interaction processes.
- A high-resolution coupled model with appropriate flux adjustment can substantially improve the sub-seasonal to seasonal-scale predictions.