Graphical Abstract
Kuramochi M., M. Kajino, and H. Ueda, 2023: Interannual variability of dust deposition in Japan during spring season and related atmospheric circulation fields. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 101.
Early Online Release
Graphical Abstract
Plain Language Summary: This study examines the year-to-year variability of dust deposition over Japan in April from the perspective of large-scale atmospheric circulations using atmospheric (JRA-55) and aerosol reanalysis (JRAero) datasets. The increased dust deposition in Japan is explained by the intensified dust transport from the Mongolian Plateau by the anomalous westerly winds associated with a deepened trough over the East Asian continent toward the northwest of the Japanese islands in the middle to lower troposphere.

- A deepened trough over the East Asian continent toward the northwest of Japan in the mid-troposphere transports more dust from the Mongolian Plateau to Japan.
- The enhanced dust emission over Gobi Desert and the intensified extratropical cyclone activity are consistent with the larger-than-normal amount of dust in East Asia.
- Dust flux decomposed into cyclonic and anticyclonic components showed that both vortices contribute to the eastward dust transport in East Asia.