Graphical Abstract
Ren, S., X. Fang, N. Niu and W. Song, 2023: The application of FY-3D/E meteorological satellite products in south china sea summer monsoon monitoring. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 101.
Early Online Release
Graphical Abstract
Plain Language Summary: The onset of the summer monsoon indicates that the atmospheric circulation changes from winter to summer and the primary rainy season begins. Based on the vertical atmospheric sounding system carried by the FY-3D meteorological satellite (FY-3D/VASS) and the new wind radar instrument carried by the FY-3E meteorological satellite (FY-3E/WindRAD) the applications of these satellite datasets in South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSSM) monitoring was evaluated. The temperature, humidity, and wind reversal during the onset of the SCSSM in 2022 were well-monitored by the FY-3D/E-derived θ_se and OWV dual indices, which are consistent with the SCSSM onset date, the third pentad in May, issued officially by the National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration.

- This paper focuses on the evaluation of the applications of the FY orbiting meteorological satellite’s retrieval of temperature, humidity, and ocean surface wind data in SCSSM monitoring.
- The monitoring indices of the SCSSM, using FY-3D/VASS and FY-3E/WindRAD, are very good at monitoring the pseudo-equivalent potential temperature and zonal wind reversal during the onset of the SCSSM.