The SOLA 34th-term Editorial Committee (2006-2008)

Chief Editor

Name Affiliation Research area
Tanaka, Hiroshi L. University of Tsukuba General circulation

Co-Chief Editor

Name Affiliation Research area
Satomura, Takehiko Kyoto University Mesoscale meteorology, Precipitation Systems,
Personal web site: http://www-clim.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/satomura/index_e.html


Name Affiliation Research area
Mikami, Masao Meteorological Research Institute Asian dust
Kondo, Yutaka The University of Tokyo Global atmospheric environment
Kondo, Hiroaki National Institute of Advanced Indust rial Science and Technology Boundary layer


Name Affiliation Research area
Aoki, Teruo Meteorological Research Institute Atmospheric radiation
Endoh, Masahiro The University of Tokyo Oceanography
Hirooka, Toshihiko Kyushu University Middle atmosphere
Iwasaka, Yasunobu Kanazawa University Aerosols
Kawamura, Ryuichi University of Toyama Monsoon
Kimoto, Masahide The University of Tokyo Coupled model
Kitoh, Akio Meteorological Research Institute Climate model
Koike, Makoto The University of Tokyo Ozone, aerosols
Koizumi, Ko Japan Meteorological Agency Atmospheric data assimilation
Misumi, Ryohei National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention Cloud physics, meso, and disaster
Mukougawa, Hitoshi Kyoto University Dynamics
Nakazawa, Takakiyo Tohoku University Trace gases
Nakazawa, Tetsuo Meteorological Research Institute Typhoon, tropics
Oikawa, Takehisa University of Tsukuba Carbon cycle
Ohata, Tetsuo Institute of Observational Research for Global Change Cryosphere
Saito, Kazuo Meteorological Research Institute Meso model
Sugi, Masato Meteorological Research Institute Climate, typhoon
Takayabu, Yukari The University of Tokyo Tropics
Tanimoto, Youichi Hokkaido University Atmosphere-Ocean interaction
Tsuda, Toshitaka Kyoto University GPS meteorology, radar, atmospheric waves
Yamazaki, Koji Hokkaido University Climate, material transport
Yamazaki, Koji Hokkaido University Climate, material transport
Yasunari, Tetsuzo Nagoya University Monsoon, climate
Yoshizaki, Masanori JAMSTEC Meso model
Chun, Young-Sin METRI/KMA Korea Asian dust
Kang, In-Sik National Seoul University Synoptic circulation
Chin, Mian NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Aerosol, radiation and chemistry
Park, Chung-Kyu APEC Climate Center Seasonal forecasting
Pielke, Roger A. Sr. University of Colorado Regional model
Shi, Guangyu IAP/CAS China Atmospheric radiation
Walsh, John E./td> University of Alaska Polar climate
Wang, Zifa IAP/CAS China Regional model, dust

Editorial Assistants

Name Affiliation Research area
Honda, Kyoko Meteorological Research Institute (Editorial Assistant)
Tanaka, Taichu Y. Meteorological Research Institute (Technical Assistant)

Past Editorial Committee