Special Edition

Special Edition on Research on the Frontier of Atmospheric Science with High Performance Computing.

Chief Editor: Dr. Takuya KAWABATA

Call for papers (in English): PDF file (4th Ver.)
(Japanese translation): PDF file (4th Ver.)

About submission

JMSJ, 2024, Vol. 102, No. 6 (December)


JMSJ, 2024, Vol. 102, No.5 (October)


JMSJ, 2024, Vol. 102, No.2 (April)


JMSJ, 2023, Vol. 101, No.3 (June)


Editorial Board for the Special Editions

Chief Editor
    Takuya Kawabata (Meteorological Research Institute)
Co-Chief Editor
    Tomoki Miyakawa (The University of Tokyo)
    Hisashi Yashiro (National Institute for Environmental Studies)
Guest Editors
    Masaki Satoh (The University of Tokyo)
    Masuo Nakano (JAMSTEC)
    Takemasa Miyoshi (RIKEN)
    Daisuke Hotta (Meteorological Research Institute)
    Yohei Sawada (The University of Tokyo)
    Junshi Ito (Tohoku University)
    Daniel Klocke (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology)
    Falko Judt (NCAR)
    Pier Luigi Vidale (University of Reading)
    Thomas Rackow (ECMWF)
    Yosuke Niwa (National Institute for Environmental Studies)
    Takashi Maki (Meteorological Research Institute)
    Masayuki Takigawa (JAMSTEC)
    Andreas F. Prein (NCAR)
    Hiroaki Kawase (Meteorological Research Institute)
    Seiya Nishizawa (RIKEN)
    Tetsuya Kawano (Kyushu University)
    Daisuke Matsuoka (JAMSTEC)